No matter where you’re from or what your ability level, if you love kids and enjoy the out-of-doors, there are any number of summer camp positions for which you may be qualified. Camp Kamaji is only as good as its summertime staff who, as camp’s most important and invaluable asset, make Kamaji happen.
What do we look for in our staff? As succinctly as possible Kamaji looks for staff who are friendly and trust-worthy, reliable and responsible, creative and patient, supportive and respectful, dedicated and hard-working, understanding and caring, fun and upbeat, generous and child-like.
Kamaji’s staff must have initiative and enthusiasm, energy and a positive attitude, maturity, and sensitivity. While Camp Kamaji’s staff come from a wide range of life experiences and demographics, all must have the desire to work with children, be able to put campers and camp first, and a willingness to immerse themselves totally into camp life! Following is a short anecdote that best describes what we are looking for in our camp staff:
While a group of campers and their counselor are heading back to their cabin after a heavy rain, they come across a large mud puddle. The campers, of course, want to play in the puddle. A not-so-good counselor tell the campers they can’t because they’ll get dirty. An okay counselor, after making sure the puddle is safe, says “Alright!” and stands by watching the campers play. A Kamaji counselor, after checking the puddle, says “After me!!” and is the first one to jump in the mud.
Simply put, we want our counselors to be “child-like” without being childish. Spending your summer at Camp Kamaji will no doubt be the “toughest job you’ll ever love!”