A Specialty Counselor lives with the campers and GL’s and AGL’s in a cabin. During a typical activity day, a Specialty Counselor will work in a program area as an instructor of a sport or activity for the six periods in a day. Counselors whose specialty is sports will also have an opportunity to coach our travel sports teams. Besides teaching a specialty they will also take on the responsibilities of a bunk counselor when they are not at their specialty area. Specialty Counselors should possess significant experience in their chosen area. The following is a list of the Activity areas for which we need Specialty Counselors: TEAM SPORTS: Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Soccer, Lacrosse. INDIVIDUAL SPORTS: Tennis, Gymnastics, Golf. WATERFRONT: Swimming (W.S.I. preferred), Waterskiing, Sailing. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES: Nature, Ropes Course, Camp Newspaper FINE & PERFORMING ARTS: Drama, Ceramics (Hand & Wheel), Photography, Videographer, Silkscreen, Drawing & Painting, Batik, Printmaking, Sculpture, Jewelry, Calligraphy, Sewing/Knitting, Guitar, Piano. OTHER COUNSELOR POSITIONS: Dance & Cheerleading, Aerobics/Fitness, Martial Arts/Self Defense.
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