Specialty Counselors

Camp Wayne for Girls
56 Nice People Place
Preston Park, PA 18455
United States
Summer Camp - Overnight
Experience Required
Job Start Date
Job End Date
Job Description

Camp Wayne for Girls has several types of positions available. All positions at camp fall under one of three categories- Support Staff, Counselor Staff and Key Staff. Although the responsibilities of each job are different, they are all equally important, and camp could not function without the contributions of all these wonderful people working together for a common goal. There are two types of counselor positions at Wayne: Group Leaders or Assistant Group Leaders and Specialty Counselors. The main difference between the two is that during the day Assistant Group Leaders (AGL) and Group Leaders (GL) lead their group of campers from activity to activity and do not teach an activity while a Specialty Counselor will spend most of the activity day in one particular program area, instructing campers of all ages and various skill levels in their area of specialty. All counselors live in a bunk with their campers and have all the responsibilities that come with caring for children for seven weeks. Every counselor’s first priority must be to the health, safety and well-being of her campers, regardless of her position.

Job Requirements

A Specialty Counselor lives with the campers and GL’s and AGL’s in a cabin. During a typical activity day, a Specialty Counselor will work in a program area as an instructor of a sport or activity for the six periods in a day. Counselors whose specialty is sports will also have an opportunity to coach our travel sports teams. Besides teaching a specialty they will also take on the responsibilities of a bunk counselor when they are not at their specialty area. Specialty Counselors should possess significant experience in their chosen area. The following is a list of the Activity areas for which we need Specialty Counselors: TEAM SPORTS: Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Soccer, Lacrosse. INDIVIDUAL SPORTS: Tennis, Gymnastics, Golf. WATERFRONT: Swimming (W.S.I. preferred), Waterskiing, Sailing. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES: Nature, Ropes Course, Camp Newspaper FINE & PERFORMING ARTS: Drama, Ceramics (Hand & Wheel), Photography, Videographer, Silkscreen, Drawing & Painting, Batik, Printmaking, Sculpture, Jewelry, Calligraphy, Sewing/Knitting, Guitar, Piano. OTHER COUNSELOR POSITIONS: Dance & Cheerleading, Aerobics/Fitness, Martial Arts/Self Defense.

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Matt Brown

Preston Park PA 18455
United States
Camp Wayne for Girls Matt Brown
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